Sunday, 30 January 2011

Group Decided Title Sequence- First Idea.

An alcoholic husband knocks on the door to his house. The wife opens the door and tells him she has taken out a restraining order of him. The drunken husband enters and shouts at wife, she tries to stop him but he slaps her. They go upstairs and argue about his drinking problem. He begins to hit her, he grabs a hair dryer wire and strangles her to death. She lies on the floor, silence. A child emerges from a cupboard in the room they were fighting in and he approaches her. It then cuts to an alley way, a drunk man is sitting on the floor drinking a bottle of whisky. He looks at a picture of the mum who died. A woman walks down the alley way. He pulls a black bag over her after she walks past. It then cuts to a garage where she has been tied to a chair. He is watching her with a bottle of whisky in his hand. The unconscious stranger wakes up. Fade and the titles appear. Similar to “124 Hours” the action takes place in one setting. Also, there are only two main characters like in “Hard Candy” Contrastingly, it’s unique because you don’t usually see why a killer has become the way they are (bad experiences has ruined him psychologically).

Enigmas created: what is he going to do to this stranger? Who is this woman?

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